Sunday, 9 January 2011

The Last of the Windows

The last of the windows goes in. The house's eyes finally look less blank.
Just the doors to go in.

I was cooking dinner last night when Trev yelled 'Help!' Off we ran expecting to find him lying in the grass with various bits broken, but no, he was stuck at one of the top windows in a position he couldn't shift from holding up 15kg of window in one hand at an awkward angle. Caleb went to the rescue and the final end opening window went in.


Ramsey said...

Any chance of a detailed post on the making and installation of the windows?

Linda Cockburn said...

Hi Ramsey,

Trev's been asked to write an article for the Owner Builder Magazine on this topic, it will have all the technical details with lots of images/illustrations. I'll let you know when it's out.

Ramsey said...

Hi Linda,
I look forward to seeing the article however it will probably be many months before we see it in print as they only publish once every two months. I am guessing they probably have the content figured for the next few issues already.
Can't Trevor do a post on it and an even more detailed article for the mag as well or do they have exclusive rights to it?

Anyway I love your blog it is certainly exciting to see the "project" drawing to completion after such hard work.