Wednesday 20 March 2013

Who Killed Dave?

I'm offering my novel WHO KILLED DAVE? for half price, $12.50, signed and with free postage to Australians* 

WHO KILLED DAVE? is a riotous comedy that most people have reported embarrassing themselves while reading it on public transport or peeving their partners by giggling and snorting late at night while reading it in bed. 

Together Press cheap copies of WHO KILLED DAVE?

As the author of Living the Good Life, about our families attempt to live 6 months without spending a dollar I self-published WHO KILLED DAVE? using recycled paper, vegetable inks and carbon offsets. I have 1000 copies in my shed, they're the only place they're available :-) So make my day and hopefully WHO KILLED DAVE? will reward you with a good giggle. Because, as Charlie Chaplin said, A day without laughter is a day wasted.

Feel free to share this offer with your friends.

*sorry if you're in another location it's going to make it available as an e-book soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG people! If you haven't read this book you HAVE to get yourself a copy. I did all of the above, including sitting in a hospital with a sleeping croupy child, reading whilst we waited for the all clear to go home and sniggering away most inappropriately. I have never laughed so hard reading a book before in my life.