Sunday, 23 March 2008

The recycled pram

Caleb and his mate Stan have assembled themselves a go cart from the base of an old pram. It even has rudimentary brakes, not that that helped Caleb much when he 'cart wheeled' out of control and through a blackberry patch. An entire box of bandaids later... but no doubt he will give you the low down on that story himself. It's been fantastic watching them careening down our hill dodging goats, sheep and tree stumps. Apart from a bike helmet each there is no real protection from electric fences (which are difficult to pass through at speed) and other obstacles, so they've got quite good at it. It's quite a steep slope and I enjoy watching them walking up it as much as I do seeing them speed down. At last, an activity that rivals The Age of Empires!


Pippa said...

That brings back childhood memories Linda. I don't think we had helmets back then either.
Jumping on the duckweed in the swamp (like a trampoline) was another favourite!
Pippa (WA)

Anonymous said...

Looks fun! I can remember building one of those back in the day, unfortunately it's all computar games for most kids these days.

Anonymous said...

Hello Guys,
Just wanted to say Hello. I just watched your segment on Today Tonight and thought it was great!! I am Liz Sinnamon's daughter (she is Editor of Warm Earth Magazine dedicated to organic gardening and alternative living), and we lived a similar lifestyle to yours growing up. Now I have discovered your blog I will be a regular reader! I enjoyed my childhood, and believe that I am a better person for it. Though walking the middle line is essential. Caleb is a real cutie, and a credit to you!! What a well spoken, polite little boy!
Best Wishes

han_ysic said...

Hey Guys,

Just hearing about the storms in Tassie, Hope you all fared okay.

Anonymous said...

Found your blog by way of Sugar Mountain Farms and wanted to join the cheering section. Wow!! You are amazing! When my husband retires from the military, we hope to try things without power for a while. We've talked about giving up electricity for Lent but he goes without electricity enough in the field and wants to come home and have a hot shower!!! :)

One can hardly blame him for that!

I'm just now back from a medical mission trip to Chilapa de Vicente, Mexico and enjoyed the simple life. Of course, those folks don't have a choice.

Blessings and cheers!