Wednesday, 1 September 2010

An Update on Trev

Hi All,

Trev recovered from his bad night and is again stable.

Had some advice about large doses of Vitamin C intraveneously. We just pitched the idea to the ward director who rolled his eyes but came at it. Said he'd already been to a conference where they were talking about how families were all asking for intravenous vitamin C. Said it couldn't hurt and was going to arrange it. He said, 'If Trev dies in a couple of weeks you'll blame me for not giving it to him.' I agreed with him. He made a few derogatory Kiwi remarks as that's where the Vit C info came from. But I let him get away with it. We'd already snuck in straight rosehip oil and massaged every bit of skin we could find with it. Only 3% absorption through skin, but better than nothing. He said Trev had been given an 8.5 out of 10 for seriousness that first bad night and is now down to 7 - which is good.

Some small improvement in lungs, he's off nitrous oxide and still holding his own. The Doctor says it's going to be rough going for the next while as in a couple of days they may look at weaning him off the ventilator and he will be coughing and choking on all the crap in his lungs which will be unpleasant for all, but most particularly Trev. We're all very selfish in wanting him back and conscious so we can tell him how much we love him and that he needs to get well and make us more hummus, his last batch is almost finished.

We've been incredibly lucky with neighbours pitching in at home with the various menagerie, Nuju, the sheep, goats, chooks and ducks. Which is fantastic and a load off our minds to know it's just not a problem. But hope to be back home soon. We're really keen to know it's an upward curve he's on.

Thanks for all your support and well wishes! It's great to hear from everyone, and a good reminder of all the good in the world.


gremmbles said...

That is wonderful news Linda. I hope he continues to improve.
You and your family are in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda and Caleb,
It's great to hear of Trev,s improvement. My husband was in hospital for 4 days but wrapped in cotton wool for afew weeks after. Even now I drive him mad with are you okay? Have you got a temp.? etc. Once he got over the sickness he improved 100% so stay positive.
It is very scary though and I really feel for you and your loved ones.
Im prayig for you all
Best wishes

johnR said...

Cmon Trev u can do it mate!!!, Linda let us known if theres anything else u need doing round the place,,all the best


Kathryn said...

That is wonderful news! Hurrah for Trev! Keep strong and positive and here's hoping that he is home making hummus as soon as possible.

simplelife said...

This is good news. I was almost too scared to read your post incase it was bad news. Hope things keep improving for Trev.

cheers Kate

knutty knitter said...

Go Trev!

Hope you found some derogatory Aussie swipes to give back :)

viv in nz

Cheryl said...

Great news. We are all keeping those positve thoughts and prayers going for Trev and your family.

Sharon said...

Great news! Hope he continues to recover quickly!

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda (and Trev :))
My husband has read your book and everything you have blogged over the last couple of years. He updates me as what you and your family are doing owhen we cook, in the car, over dinner we feel that we know you and your family quite intimately. It is so very sad to hear about Trev, but pleasing to see that he on the up and up - even if it is slow. We are keeping Trev and your family in our thoughts, and prayers. It is so nice to be drawn to 'good' people and 'goodness' in the world. Both Sean and I will continue to hold positive thoughts for Trev. Take Care...Sean and Michelle

Lee said...

Trevor is tough. He'll be fine. I know he will.

Those Aussies! They're just jealous.

Garden Nut said...


It has been such a long, long while since I have visited your blog, but since I was re-reading your book (a staple read for spring, along with Jackie French's Backyard Self Sufficiency), I thought I would catch up on where you were all at. It was indeed a horrible shock to learn that you have all been through such hard times. Mine (and my families) thoughts go out to you and your family. I am glad to hear Trev is on the mend, I hope the warmer weather also heralds a quicker recovery. {hugs}