Monday, 6 September 2010

I won't be blogging for a while

Hi All,

The hospital made a complaint yesterday about the blog, seeing it as a breach of patient confidentiality. While I believe care has been taken not to name any staff, and of course any other patient in ICU, or said anything negative about his care, which has been fantastic, I'm prepared to comply. Human nature being what it is I'm not going to jeopardise our relationship with the hospital.

Trev has an oft repeated phrase in regards to freedom of speech, 'I might not believe what you have to say, but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it.'

Thanks for all your kind thoughts, your support has been a real boost. I have made a journal of blog posts and all your comments,emails etc for Trev which he can read when he's ready to read it.




johnR said...

Thats a shame Linda, yr blog was working well alerting people to Trevs condition and updates. Maybe just use facebook or similar.

I hope Trev is showing some more improvements, stay positive and well all.

simplelife said...

I'll still be thinking of you all and sending healing thoughts to Trev.

I hope once Trev is up and about again you will be able to let us all know how he is going.

Don't forget to let others take care of you too.

cheers Kate

Kathryn said...

Well that is just silly - but I do think you are doing the right thing - anything to make Trev's health get better.
Good luck with the recovery and let us know when he is home and builing houses again.
Take Care.

Brenda The Bregle Rebel Bag Lady said...

that actually stinks. i havent posted before, but i read your book a few months ago and have been quietly following you, and sending out good hopeful vibes for trev. although i dont know you personally i feel like i do, yah know what i mean, so im sorry that you cant share your worries and hopes with our like minded online community. the best of wishes and hopes for a break. love bren in NZ

Anonymous said...

How ridiculous of the hospital, but I respect your choice. We will continue to check in as we have been so concerned for Trev, you and Caleb. We will continue to send positive thoughts and look forward to hearing good news soon.
Take care,
Kylie and family.

Cheryl said...

Aah beurocratic meddling at it's silliest. We will still be sending our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong. Looking forward to some good news down the track.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the hospital bureacrats could think about you, caleb and family who are also very important.

Blogging friends are also a wonderful source of comfort and support at times like these which then in turn helps the family.

Maybe leave out the bits about meds/nurses etc., just let us know when Trev is out of the woods that would be great. Our thoughts and good wishes are with you all and only wished I lived closer so could be of more help.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that, and looking forward to no news as good news. You'll be back in a week or so when he's home recovering with you, anyway. Sending healing to all of you.

Sharon said...

Bugger. Free country - until someone doesn't want you to say something.....

Good luck with it all, fingers crossed for a quick recovery.

Oh, I meant to say in my last comment, sorry that you lost your goat, its not nice burying animals.... We have goats too.

Lee said...

That is so ridiculous - since when did the hospital's privacy and rights become more important than your own?

Do what you need to do, look after Trevor, and know that we're all here thinking of you. I told my husband (who doesn't generally read blogs, but has read your book) that Trevor was so ill last night, and he was devastated. Trevor has really made an impact on our lives, and we won't feel happy again until he is 100% better.

Take care, all of you.

Love, prayers and blessings flying across the ditch to you all from Dunedin.


Minni Mum said...

Bah humbug. I will still be thinking of Trev and you and your family while he fights it out though, and sending all the healing thoughts I can. Best wishes!

Bev said...

Yes, it does stink somewhat. Surely you have a right to let your readers and friends know how Trev is going. You have not said anything detrimental about Trev's care or the hospital...I can't see that they have a right to stop you blogging. It's just disgusting. I would certainly not give in to them. Your blog is your private concern and no concern of the hospital's.

Is there any other way we can get news?

Willow Ravenswood said...

Dear Linda,
I have been very upset to find the distressing situation you are all in. My heart goes out to you all. This must feel like a nightmare.
I know you have tried to be upbeat in your blog but I know how much you must be suffering. I am sending all the loving healing feelings I have not only to Trev but to you all.
And I have said a prayer for Daisy.
I am beside myself with anger at how the hospital staff have treated you in relationship to your blog.
I have had my own experiences with the hospital system and I know for survivals sake we must accept things that those in power demand but it doesn't make it right.
And I understand about the Vit C. Medicine is an ideology and if you wish to work within the system you have to abide by it's rules or else. That leaves us with a more wholistic view out in the cold.
But I know your real energy and concern is directed towards Trev. I am sure he is fighting with all his might .
Please give my best wishes to Caleb and Ehren. This must be the worst time in their lives as it is for you I am sure.
I send you my love and wish for your strength no matter what.
from Willow in Scottsdale.

My Veggie Garden said...

That's just wrong.

Melinda said...

I have only just read that Trev was ill, so I'm hoping he has a full recovery. The disruption to your lives, and not knowing what's going to happen, is just awful. And I had no idea hospitals could make such a request of patient's family. It doesn't seem right to me.

dixiebelle said...

A breach of his confidentiality, or the hospitals? Hmmm, don't feel bad, I cannot see how you had done either. But yes, not need to cause a fuss about it, whilst you are so dependent on a good relationship with them to keep the stress levels down when you have so much on your plate as is. Speaking of which, how did the Vit C go?

Please, please, keep us updated on his progress, I have been thinking of you all alot... come on, Trev, time for a few steps forward I think...

knutty knitter said...

What is it with secret squirrels? We may not have met personally but we are your friends too so why should we be denied any idea of how Trev is doing. Keep pecking away :)

Wishing you the best

viv in nz

pipnvik said...

Thats just political incorrectness having a bullshit burp !!!

Positive and supportive thoughts For You Trev and Family

Hugs Kisses Rainbows and Bullfrogs

Little Terraced House said...

Linda, so sorry to hear about Trev and more so to hear about the hosp's daft comments! I have a 1 year old grandson in ITC right now following his third major heart op, so can totally feel for you and the family.

Love and hugs from the UK


Joe Clark said...

Hey Linda, Joe here. Hope your all okay, whole family is crossing our toes/fingers and all other parts of the human anatomy for Trevs recovery. Look after Lil for me please, i know you proberly are but i thought id throw it in there.

Thinking of you guys,

Joe & Family x

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda, my thoughts and prayers are with you all daily, Trevors recovery is paramount.

Yesterday I happened to read the UN declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 states: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. What is happening to our world? Joy

Lifestyle Lift Journey said...

Hi Linda,
even though you are not blogging for a while, I'll be checking on your blog everyday (like most of your followers will be), and leave supporting comments when I can.

Take care, Linda.
I'll keep sending the healing energy to Trev till he gets better.

Tarni said...

Only just read whats been happening for Trev and you guys. Im sending loads of love and healing energy your way.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering how Trev is? Has his condition improved since we last heard from you? Hope things are a little better for you all now and our thoughts and best wishes are sent to you and the family. Annette

Jan Morrison said...

All love to your family.I have always liked your resilience and cheerfulness in the face of adversity. I'm going to go sit now and I will be doing tong len for you all. I know you will always remember what is important...

dixiebelle said...

Hoping he is doing OK?