Thursday, 8 November 2012


I've started a new blog, though it's more the start of a communication, a request for stories and ideas around how it is some people have come to the point where they fail to feel, care or do anything beyond  that which is in their own personal interest.

DILLIGAF - Does it look like I give a Fuck. It's a popular and recognisable acronym for a state of being.  Personally IGAF and I want to investigate how it is others can come to the conclusion not to.

This is an invitation to explore the concept with me


narf7 said...

What an interesting idea! I was recently hailed with abuse on Facebook by a friend of a friend who has decided that life is a war that needs to be fought on a case by case all out enslaught. No idea why someone in their 20's would be so bitter and vitriolic but I know that I wouldn't want to be in my 20's living in America right now! We can't be precious about these kinds of outbursts...they are a sign of the times and the growing discontent that these kids have with how past generations have handled the world that they are going to inherit. I, too, would be vitriolic if I arrived in my prime ready to set sail with purpose to discover that my inheritance was spent.
Our society is becoming more and more indolent. Expectations of what we should receive are rampant...welfare states abound and entitlement breeds entitlement. When we don't share hope and positivity on a level that people can understand we are shooting ourselves in the foot. The "Sustainable" movement is brim to the back teeth with felt hatted nana's full of outrageous indignation at anyone who doesn't IMMEDIATELY fit a solar hot water system to their roof and shell out a fortune in sustainable/green alternatives that curiously cost the earth. My son lamented the other day, despite earning $80 000 a year, that he would never own his own home. When did this happen? When did life become so very expensive that one of our base desires was priced out of the market? Sustainability has brought the wankers out of the closet...the elevators of market prices to keep things exclusive and it has turned many people away from the entire concept as a whole. If you are never going to afford your own home, let alone a solar hot water system it sometimes seems like too much to bother about the "other" more real stuff...We need to share ways to facilitate change at minimal outlay. As a penniless middle aged student hippy I know where these people are coming hope because money is being touted as the ONLY answer and who has money? Especially in Tasmania! There is a world of possibility out there that isn't being shared or that isn't being well publicised. DILLIGAF is a symptom of a deep ingrained and entrenched sense of despondancy...when fear meets giving up and produces DILLIGAF offspring. As a middle aged welfare entrenched individual I can safely attest to knowing where these people are coming from. Anger, hate and anarchy are bred in the slums as a result of being constantly shown an unattainable life with no alternatives. I only discovered a sense of purpose when I inherited a ramshackled property up north and put my soul into learning how to renovate it with nothing but a moth eaten sock under the bed and a hell of a lot of hope. DILLIGAF is when caring shuts down and selfishness takes over. Forget the rest of humanity, "I WANT IT NOW"! DILLIGAF is a dangerous place to be...its not all that far removed from zealot...from thug and from SS...

Linda Cockburn said...

Great rave Narf7 - indifference born of resentment and lack of hope.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we need to look at what we teach our kids in schools then. We need to teach them not to GAF (no-one can force anyone to GAF if they don't want to) but HOW to GAF and what really is important to GAF about! And WHY it is important. I mean, if you tell kids that there could very well come a time when food will not be affordable or that petrol could run out (it has happened before in the 70's) and how they could live if this became permanent. MAYBE, just maybe we might be able to educate a group of kids to be green thinkers, green dreamers and people who actually truly GAF.

Yuralani said...

I don't think schools are the answer. There are some really amazing teachers doing some really amazing stuff but if kids are already in DILLIGAF there is just no way to get through. Also DILLIGAF is the new "cool".

Linda Cockburn said...

I agree with Yurilani. Though I do believe schools can be part of an answer. In our area 40% of people are functionally illiterate (unable to adequately read the back of a Panadol packet to know the maximum 24 hour dose). They have a poor concept of what education stands for and the importance it has for them in life, they imbibe their kids with the same lack of respect. School becomes a social event and for the teachers a frustrating attempt to get through to kids who arrive already DILLIGAF.