This was all above board, I chaperoned.
Our neighbour, Tony, gave us a couple of sheep to help keep the grass down. The amount of rain we had the growth has been phenomenal.
First they had to be caught. This is not so easy. It was the most exercise I've had in years running up and down hills, trying, vainly, to herd the sheep through a gate I'm not sure they even realised existed. Eventually two were rugby tackled, trussed up and put in a wheelbarrow, and wheeled over to our place for release. I admit, the scene caused a few outbreaks of cackling.
Sounds like you have been having a lot of fun over Xmas and New Year with goats, sheep, snakes and the house. The house is looking amazing - from the photos it looks very well constructed - I am used to pictures of straw bale houses with odd, unplanned bits sticking out and strange bumps. Well done. Over the river here at Forcett we are having the snakes too and with all the long grass that keeps springing up it pays to be careful. Our water pump gave up on Sunday and so it was back to bucketing water for showers etc. A replacement pump was found but the new hose split while we were out yesterday and now we have lost half our water so life on the land has its ups and down. The 'ups' is all the cherries and raspberries that I stuff my face with each morning. Off to the Cygnet Folk Festival this weekend for a break so good luck with the working bee. Hope the weather forecast is good for doing the work. I presume you don't want it too hot as the mud would dry too fast.
Oh how funny!!!
Now THATS how you move a sheep :)
The house is looking good btw. Have some nice mud pies during your workshop.
viv in nz
Good clean fun, great blog, loved your book, and the house is coming along nicely.
Ive just (finally) bought a copy of your book. Much to my horror neither of our libraries have a copy. i am so looking forward to reading it. In the meantime I will read your blog!
With love Cherry
Hi,Great to hear your having lots of adventures,that's what life's all about.We're considering a move to Tas in the future [hopefully 2yrs max]Any advise or hints on a smooth transition from Adelaide.As you remarked I'd also like to get away from the heat of Summer.Every year we get at least 50 days of over 30 degrees and I prefer the cooler temperatures.We'd like at least 3 to 5 acres and to follow permaculture principles as we have in the suburbs for the last 10 yrs.Have you got electricity connected or have you gone solar and how have you made yourself sufficient with water?We'd like to get away from the commercialness of life being bombarded by advertisement to buy,buy,buy.Maybe you could put a story of your adventures on moving all your belongings over to Tas. and how you cope living in a caravan.Maybe a new book!Thanks Linda
we shifted 3 sheep in the back of a station wagon all was fine till the male decided to sit on the back seat with the boys.
House looks lovely
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