It's finished. I haven't got the fences up, they're not high on the agenda at the moment, there's nothing growing there, they can free range for a while.
Trev ended up having to get the doors up - I've been away from the place more than home for a while, still the case, so I caved in and accepted his help. He also made the neat latches too. The chooks love it. I'm happy with it, it doesn't handle close inspection. I'll settle for having a chook pen of character rather than perfection.

What a gorgeous chook house! Nice work! Looks like it will keep your girls very safe and warm - I hope the chookies enjoy their new home :-)
Adventures in urban sustainability
Hi Linda
Love your chookhouse, it looks fantastic to me!
we too have just finished ours, no mudbrick, though with all the rain, we could build several now. I have moats and creeks running all around our garden. We tried to do our fencing but ground to wet and with the wind the posts are all angled now. We live over the river wattle grove so understand about the rain.
Hi Linda - As I'm going to have to convert and *extremely* dilapidated old shed into something resembling a chook house soon, I think yours looks pretty darn hot!
The chooks seem to think it's a bit Taj as well! :-)
That is one cool, green chook house you have there Linda. Well done to both of you, and knowing when to accept help when required.
The chooks look very happy!
Great news, the chook house looks great!
Looks sensational ! Great work.
Looks fabulous ! Well done - the chooks look pretty happy too.
such a beautiful photo-i think i envy those chooks home, hope they love it and that it keeps them hapilly sheltered...recieved your book in the mail-can't wait to read it, ta and best wishes!
Great Chook house guys. Now Linda, I know how hard it was to accept help but knowing when to make us the better sex LOL
Tugged at my heart strings when we drove past your turn off at Gympie a few weeks ago. Didn't have time to do a drive by, better off with the memories anyway. Love to you all x x x
Linda - I am making mud bricks at the moment with a view to building a shed out of them - similar in scale to your chook shed.
Can I ask what foundations or flooring you have put down as I am a bit unsure how to approach that part of the construction?
No rush on the answer - I have made about 50 bricks so far and figure I need about 600!
That looks very cosy!
It looks fabulous. I really would love to have chooks, but for the time being I'll have to live vicariously.
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