I’ve grown them a few years in a row now, mostly they were
thrown over the fence to the pigs. I only had a few seeds, so this year, after
saving the previous years seed I’m growing a larger crop. I’d like to have a go
at extracting sugar syrup, slicing it thinly, washing out the sugars,
compressing them and then drying the
pulp that remains for winter feed for the goats. Has anyone had a go at doing this? I’d also love to have a go at making ethanol. But
without a still, that’s not going to happen. If things fall apart in the future
it would be good to know how to keep the whippersnapper going. Though, come to think of it, I still have the
scythe in the shed.
I’ve taken a year off work to study fulltime, and while uni
hasn’t started yet I’m having a great time writing non-fiction, novels and catching up with the garden, and, as
always, extending the darn thing.
The summer has been the hottest since we
arrived in Tasmania, now seven years. It's also the hottest and driest most locals
can remember. The kiwifruit (which, unfortunately, I had
already counted) were devastated by the 41 degree day we had several weeks back. And yes, it was a new record temperature.
Extending the garden is probably not the brightest
thing I’ve ever done. I love planting out, I’m just not so gung ‘hoe’ on